Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's That Time Again!!

IT’S NANOWRIMO!! For those of you who don’t know what this is it’s National Novel Writing Month in November. Yep, it’s that time again for all you writers and those just thinking about writing to get your crazy on. The challenge is to write 50,000 words in one month. You can participate however you want. I don’t do the normal nano writing. I don’t log my book in to try and “win” if I get the 50000 words. You’re supposed to start from scratch and not use something you’ve already written on. Typically, I’m already working on a book and I need the impetus to get it done. This is how Nanowrimo helps me. For Nano, writers get together and write. I definitely need some accountability right now. It’s no secret I AM STRUGGLING with the third book in my werewolf series. I stare at the computer screen. (something I don’t usually do because I know IT IS THE KISS OF DEATH TO STARE AT THE COMPUTER SCREEN.) Just write something already, anything!! That’s what I tell myself, but it’s just not working. Even at 4am, which everyone who knows me knows is my most productive time, I CAN’T MAKE MYSELF GET SOMETHING DONE. I’m now trying to write thoughts of where to go with this book in a notebook, but I tend to doodle, tap my pen and just give up. I have to start writing my dissertation the first of December so I really must get this book roughed in before then. Of course there will be massive amounts of editing to do, but I’ve got to get words on the page. I’m overwhelmed by the idea that between work, schoolwork and dissertation I won’t get this book finished. So, I must do it NOW!!! Therefore, I’ll be “nano-ing” this month. If you’d like to join in I’ve included a link to the nanowrimo home page below the picture. There are get togethers in different areas and sometimes you just need some extra help in setting aside the time to make yourself get it done. I should have finished a rough copy of this book months ago. NO MORE SLACKING!! That means you too!! If you’re trying to get a book done or just thinking about writing your first book, go hang out with some writers and spend a month in sheer writing insanity. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Great Book!!

I don't read a lot of Stephen King's books. I've read some, but I'm not "hooked" on his stuff. However, my local library had this audiobook and I'm always looking for new ones there since I'm to cheap to subscribe to audible. Also because my husband and I go through more audiobooks than I could afford on audible and the library has them for FREE!! Did I mention I love the library. If you haven't been you must go there. I got this audiobook and immediately passed it on to my husband and told my co-workers who use audiobooks about it. This book is really great. You are hooked immediately!! You must go get it now!! It's a sequel to The Shining, which I also read. I think this book is ten times better than The Shining!!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Interesting Series

And long too. I ran across this Emberverse series by S.M. Sterling at the library while trying to find an audiobook I hadn't listened to already. The first three books I truly loved. The next three occasionally got a little slow. By now I'm about eight books in and well, you just have to finish the series at this point, though sometimes the heavy details drag the story down a bit. Overall, it's a very good series and I got my husband hooked on it too. By the end of the third book I was looking for information on how to make my own recurve bow. But then I do love a good apocalyptic tale. You have to buy into the reason there was this apocalypse, but once you do, you're hooked. Book one is Dies the Fire and if you're looking for a good book/audiobook give it a try. It would make a great series for HBO. ARE YOU LISTENING HBO!! There are so many books it could go on for YEARS!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Not Again!!

There's something officially wrong with me. Last summer I decided to go back to school to get my PhD in nursing. I know, right! Like I haven't been to school enough already. However, I wanted some different opportunities for the future and writing books, while I love it, does not pay my bills. A year into this with two years to go (I'm going part time), I'm sometimes wondering what I was thinking. Hopefully, it will pay off in the way of a new and interesting job down the road. In November I'll start my dissertation, but I've been working on it some. I've been away from this blog and not writing books for this past year, but I'm trying to juggle my schedule and finish my third werewolf book as soon as possible. I need a few more hours in my day right now, or maybe I just need to use the ones I have more efficiently. Anyway, I'm going to try and not chew on my computer in frustration when I can't seem to get enough done. Hope everyone has a happy Sunday.